Sunday 27 March 2011

AAR - March 26th March

A fantastic day, the country expected 100,000 - The country sent 500,000.

This is not a minority march, this was the first turn of the cogs in the engine of change. This wasn't, and nobody expected it, to be a government changing march. Nor indeed did we expect that Government would adopt a different approach, Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg did not indeed, seem to show any hesitation in criticising the left for not having a Plan B - Seemingly forgetting the fact that 1 in every 120 people in the country turned up for the protest. Plan B infact could be as simple as taxing the Banks by 0.005p per transaction made, and idea that would generate £20 Billion per year, the effective equal amount of the ConDem cuts (

The most incredible part of the day was, for me, people not in the march in Manchester and London asking how it went, a kind of desperation of 'please tell me it went well' in their voice. It did. The most important question to ask now is, can the momentum build? Can we keep increasing the pressure? Can we push for a General Strike? I will discuss the General Strick and its pros and cons next time. In the mean while, a very tired very sleepy James is off to bed!

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